Most demanded professionals and technicians

The Australian Government has a migration program that attracts hundreds of professionals and technicians from around the world with skills and knowledge required by the country’s economic development. These professionals can opt for your Australia Visa.

This program is called:

GSM (General Skilled Migration) which year after year publishes the required skills lists called occupations demanded in Australia, i.e. the most relevant occupations for the country.

The occupation that a person has is defined by their studies and work experience.

This is one of the broadest ways to obtain a residence visa in Australia, which can be carried out from your country of residence or while inside Australia depending on the profile of each person and the type of list in which your occupation is demanded. It is necessary to assess your case to determine the best path.

Both, the Australian federal government and state governments may publish their own migration programs and its demanded occupation lists, respectively.

The lists of occupations in demand are renewed annually by the Australian government (Medium & Long Term Strategic Skilled List (MLTSSL)), and the lists of each of the states can be renewed according to their own migration policies during the course of the anus.

The occupations within this MLTSSL list allow you to apply for a visa for Australia as an independent 189 professional, that is, without the need for a state nomination, or it could also be under the sponsorship of an eligible family member (489 visa) residing in Australia under certain features.

Some of the occupations that may be found in this list are:

To consult the complete list click here

Short Term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL)

This list is prepared with the support of the work department to determine the occupations that have been identified as missing in the short-term. The Australian states use this list to prepare their own migration programs and to determine their occupations in demand at each one of them. To verify which occupations are in demand by each of the Australian states, one must be aware of their specific migration programs, which are published on their own websites.

Some of the occupations that may be found in this list are:




Industrial designer

Marketing and advertising manager

In addition, you must know that the states have several skilled migration programs (offshore, through studies, through work, among others), and may publish a different list for each one of them with the list specific requirements.

It is important to consider that, although your occupation may appear in any of the lists, it is necessary to analyze the case in a personal and global manner, because the feasibility of a migration process depends on the compliance with the requirements of the Australian Government and of each state and the validation entity for the occupation selected.

This allows assessing the entire feasibility of the case to begin with the migration process and avoid setbacks.

We invite you to be part of our select group of clients and that your experience is unbeatable, find out if you can start your life project in Australia today by evaluating your initial profile here

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